
And thus, it begins

I'm here, yessirree.

I'm tired, but in a good way. I'm feeling rather accomplished these days and when I get a moment I'll tell you all about it.

Holidailies begins in a scant number of days and I will once again be on board. Thank all the pestilent gods I actually have stuff to talk about this year!

As for today, we got our tree. We did not hike into the woods with an axe and a flask of The Good Stuff, nor did we spend hours deliberating on which one would provide the best coverage in the corner of the tea room. We did not have our usual discussion on the merits of various species or the smell of one over another.

See, The Boy is working Midnights this week and just, "wanted to get the damn thing bought so we can go home and I can get some damn sleep!"

Tomorrow: getting the decorations down from the attic!

Posted at 5:38 p.m.