
Rise Up

I had to slip in an entry before my statistics reveal that I've not had anything of substance to say for 60 days. Is it just me, or do statistics mock you too?

Returning to journalling after time away is more difficult than I remember. Time was, I could just bound back, shouting, "Hey world! Here I am and here's what I've been doing!". Now, I'm unsure and sad and feeling rather beaten up by the world, which is pretty much the reason I chose to invoke the radio silence in the first place. I want to be able to see the world through a wacky filter that allows me to make fun of even the most nasty of days, but I fear that filter's cracked. Things just aren't funny anymore.

So, in an effort to ease back into it, I'm doing yet another meme. This one comes courtesy of a journaller from my 'hood (well, Toronto, anyway). I'm going to make an effort to get back into your lives and to let you into mine as it hopefully begins to rise from the muck and shine like it should.

5 things in my fridge

1. teriyaki sauce
2. cheese curds
3. half a mesh bag of Babybels
4. my Puregon pen
5. Western cream cheese, expiry date: June 24

5 Items in my closet

(my hovel of a house doesn�t really have closets, so this should read �armoire�)

1. candles
2. necklaces
3. stuffed bears from the last three Valentine�s Days
4. a lint roller
5. a plastic storage bin containing mismatched socks and old lady underpants

5 items in my car

1. a Swiffer automobile duster
2. Bubba, the beaver beanie
3. Windex travel glass cleaner wipes
4. a clip-on (clipped to the visor) stuffed Koala, a gift from dear friends in Oz
5. tissues

5 items in my purse messenger bag

1. cuticle balm (Burt�s Bees)
2. Sennheiser headphones for my iPod Michaela
3. business cards
4. tinted lip balm (Burt�s Bees again)
5. one of my three good pens

I'm not going to tag anyone, since this meme is probably about as old as the hills. (Aren't you relieved?)

So, anyway, that's me back. Maybe the next step will be to make a public list of stuff I have to do; possibly if I put it all out there, I'll put more stress on myself to actually do it.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank those of you reading this who support and love me almost every day, warts and all. You make me a better person, and for that I thank you more than you can ever know.

Posted at 11:47 a.m.