
Ladies don't sweat, they glisten.
It's hot and I'm conserving energy and sweating and in the dark and trying to be a good Ontarian. That said, you'll be better able to understand why I've not been having many deep thoughts lately. Well, none I want to parlay into an entry anyway.

I leave you today with the results of a personality quiz I just took. It's so accurate it's scary. There are more, less fearful facets of my personality on the About page, if you haven't already run screaming from this journal after reading what's below.

Welcome, new notify list members!

Trust me, it's not always this bad. (I'm in the middle of a provincial state of emergency, according to the Premier's twice-daily press conferences). I promise a much better calibre of writing in the near future, or your money back.


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

Posted at 1:24 p.m.