
Pack Rat

I'm heading out to my Mom's place later this afternoon to drop off some articles for a church Yard Sale on Saturday. I'm meant to have gathered up items that I don't need or use anymore to contribute.

Thing is, I don't really have anything like that.

Well, yes I do. It's just that I'm such a freakin' pack rat that even the most insignificant scrap of paper is essential to me. I know it's wrong, because living like that ultimately places you in the middle of a tinderbox of your own making. Legend has it that tossing/giving away/shredding everything that you don't need or haven't touched in a year is very liberating, but I'm afraid of putting a toe in that water to see how it feels. My mantra has always been, "Throw it away and the next day you'll need it."

So, I'm going to poke my head into the cabinets and maybe start slow with travel mugs and a couple piles of magazines with recipes I've already torn out.

Posted at 7:54 a.m.