
Loving the Lists

Shopping list for the final half day before It All Begins:

Pyjamas suitable for a seven year old girl

Socks from Baby Gap

Finding Nemo on dvd

One Nancy Drew book

One bottle of mid-range wine

One shi shi gift bag

Pick up �mystery parcel� at the post office


Red onion

Garlic bulb


4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

One package of 8� flour tortillas

One brick old cheddar

Flat of eggs

Sour cream


This is my afternoon, friends.

I don�t know if The Boy got the better end of the stick or not. He did get the entire day off, so already he�s luckier than I. However, I gave him a list before I left this morning, so it�s not like he won�t be working. I�m behind on my clearing up and I still have phyllos to make, since I literally crashed after I got home yesterday. I grabbed up the mail (one more Christmas card! Thanks Stacey!), fell forward onto the couch to skim through it and that is where I remained. I�m so exhausted these days I just don�t know what to do with myself. I guess I�ll be forced to make that one resolution to exercise whether I like it or not. Because I really don�t. I�m not good at it; I get scarily red and flustered and have never, ever experienced that mystical, magical rush of energy that everyone tells me about. Never. Maybe I�m broken?

So, okay, one resolution. And it�s one I�ve made before, so I�m recycling. Go me.

I�m going to burn through as many academic progressions as possible this morning to help keep my mind off the rushing about I�ll be doing this afternoon. I don�t want to stress myself into a weeping puddle of uselessness. I shall kick the crap outta my list, mark my words!

Posted at 9:32 a.m.