
My friend Karla bailed on our date to go see Love, Actually last night. Which was okay in a couple of ways: the weather wasn�t particularly nice and I was totally bagged. I managed to slip and slide my way to Canadian Tire, though, since I had a purse full of cash and directions from The Boy to get myself a new car stereo. Suggestible little shopper that I am, I headed right for the Sony outfits and found one on sale. The employee who was helping me tried to steer me toward the one with a remote control. Why, I ask you, would someone want a remote when the buttons are within an arm�s reach? He sheepishly agreed with me, telling me that he was under orders to make people aware of the upgrade. I certainly don�t blame him for the silliness.

Yesterday was also Cookie Exchange Day in the office, so after I got my new stereo (yay! I�m way too excited about that purchase), I popped into the market for green onions and a cabbage then home to open all my packages and sample, sample, sample. Bailey sat under the coffee table on full alert, should a crumb or truffle land on the carpet. The drool factor last night was definitely Up There. Much like it was today at the Employee Pot Luck.

I always attempt to take just a taste of most things, but just as many times I fail miserably. I even went for broke early this morning and visited my buddies at McDoogers for a super-sized McGriddle breakfast. Hell, the day�s blown as it is, might as well do it up right! My Colcannon went over well, but I think that had something to do with the fact that everyone thought the green ingredient in my mashed potatoes was spinach or broccoli, not cabbage. They all clamored about, wanting the recipe. Boy, are they going to be surprised!

Tonight, I�m going to cajole The Boy into installing my new stereo. I can�t bear to look at it sitting on one of the stereo speakers another day. It�s not living up to its full musical destiny!

Posted at 2:23 p.m.