
Free Associate, man

In this exercise, Moondance Girl provides ten words for free association; just fill in the blank with the first word that comes to mind.

1. Crave::
2. Whole package::
3. Roommates::
4. 5:30::
5. Lesbian::
6. Poignant::
7. Hurtful::
8. You and I::
9. Grateful::
10. Giggle::

No peeking at mine until you have played! Look at what I�m considering as dinner tonight while you ponder, then scroll down for my answers after you have done yours.

1. Crave::really good chocolate
2. Whole package::of Kraft Dinner
3. Roommates::close quarters
4. 5:30::rise and shine
5. Lesbian::experimentation
6. Poignant::Judy Blume
7. Hurtful::words ... or the absence of words
8. You and I::what a team!
9. Grateful::for my health
10. Giggle::PaulyD

Life here plods along. I'm already mentally counting down to the end of this contract and wondering what will come of me after November 25. I'm preparing for the November craft shows that will have me running until December when I shall turn around and wonder when I'm going to get all my Christmas shopping and decorating done.

Still, I'm convinced that my close-to-perfect job is out there waiting for me to be ready for it.

Is that zen enough for ya?

4:17 p.m. - edited to add: Don't you feel equally strong love/hate emotions when you come across someone else's entry that cuts you to the core? I must admit I've spent the better part of the afternoon wading through her archives and when I reached this one, I mentally hit a brick wall. I feel compelled to print it out, have it laminated and wear it around my neck from now on. I really, really wish I didn't have to.

Posted at 12:48 p.m.