
At this moment
I�m tired of saying these Friday Fives are a pale substitute for an entry. Indeed, they are probably of a higher quality! So here we go:

At this moment, what is your favorite...

1. ...song?

Come Back to Bed by John Mayer. His new disc, Heavier Things has been in my new car stereo since the day it was installed, where it will remain. Maybe I should get another copy to carry around with me? Would that be considered overkill? I was accused the other day of being a Stalker-in-Waiting as regards young Mr. Mayer, but I�m sure that�s not the case. Well, kind of sure. Possibly.

2. ...food?

Tempura Scallops from Mt. Fuji, the local Japanese crack house. My order must always be accompanied by Tuna Maki, but it�s the wonderful light tempura and soft scallops in their dipping sauce that truly turn my crank. My niece enjoys this shi shi version of fish sticks, even if she has to violently stab the crunchy nuggets with one chopstick in order to get them to her mouth.

3. ...tv show?

Buffy. As of my last pay week, I now own all five seasons of the show on dvd. I now also feel worthy of Stef�s company. The weird thing is, I started off with season three, then four, five, one and now two. So I might have to sit down with lots of popcorn and chocolate and start at the beginning. Again. Then move straight into the Angel stuff. Then get the second season of Alias out of the way. Then, it will be summer and I�ll get around to cleaning up and putting away all of my Christmas decorations. No, I don�t have a problem, why do you ask?

4. ...scent?

Ysatis. It�s the evening scent I�ve loved for the past five years. My day scent is Tuscany per Donna, and I have had a crush on that one for almost eight years. Apparently, I�m very loyal to my perfumes.

5. ...quote?

"The road to a friend�s house is never long."

-Danish proverb

This quote is on one of the wonderful metal bookmarks I�ve bought from Chapters recently. It�s important for me to remember, since I have a number of friends who either live hours away or are schedule-impaired for most of the school year. The effort we make to keep in touch is, to me, an indicator of just how important the friendship is to either party. I spent a lot of years making huge efforts with what turned out to be the wrong people and allowed the ones I truly love and cherish to fall by the wayside. Two years ago I started to turn it around, but I now recognize it�s always going to be work. At least it�s a labour of love�

I have a magnet on my fridge that screams, "You�re only young once, but you can stay immature indefinitely." by Ogden Nash. I can appreciate that one on a whole other level.

Have a great weekend!

Friday Five!

Posted at 12:38 p.m.