
The traditional Friday Five
Last night, I broke one of my cardinal Christmas rules: I bought something for myself. Even as I was keying in my PIN number at the Future Shop, I felt naughty, but I couldn't help myself. Firefly, on sale? Come on, people!

So now the confession's out of the way, it's on to Friday's main event. Enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend.

1. Do you enjoy the cold weather and snow for the holidays?

No. A thousand times no. I don�t mind fall-type weather, but the bitter cold and blowing snow can take a leap. Yes, I realize I chose to live in that portion of the world that features this sort of weather rather prominently. My decision certainly had more to do with being near my immediate family and less with having the burning need to plug my car in at the end of the day.

I might like the weather a little better if it involved the occasional snow day off work. But no, apparently the administration is happier if you die of exposure trying to get to work. Not that it matters, because most students, even those with ever-dwindling brain cells from partying, stay home and watch television and laugh and laugh and laugh.

2. What is your ideal holiday celebration? How, where, with whom would you celebrate to make things perfect?

I�ve spent way too long trying to find a way to say this that doesn�t make me sound like some sort of lemming, but I give up. My ideal holiday celebration looks a lot like a Martha event. I would have a house with a massive kitchen/dining room/living room area and everyone I loved in the world would be gathered around the tree or the fireplace. No one would go postal for some stupid reason and all would swoon over the wonderful buffet I created. We would tell stories and laugh and play games and open presents. Everyone would simply be grateful to be together and no one would be stressing over the turkey or forgetting to pop the buns in the oven.

3. Do you do have any holiday traditions?

Way too many to list. A few are: making our own Christmas crackers, watching four Christmas movies (two on the eve, two the next morning) and preparing the Breakfast Enchiladas as a group the night before.

4. Do you do anything to help the needy?

My niece and I go through her existing toys and �cull the herd� a little, in preparation for the raft of gifts she will get on Christmas day. We take them to the children�s hospital so others will be able to enjoy them as well.

The Boy buys pounds and pounds of potatoes, carrots, celery and turkey and takes it to the mission at Mount St. Joseph�s.

5. What one gift would you like for yourself?

Peace of mind.

Friday Five!

Posted at 8:25 a.m.