
Catch Up

Recently, I passed the 10,000 page view benchmark for a wee bit squint. To me, that�s quite a feat since I choose to �market� the url for my home business around the internet more than my sad little journal. Don�t get me wrong, I love squint and just knowing it�s out there makes me a bit happier. Still, at my core I fear I am a stats whore; that�s why I have a lip on today.

In my bookmarks you will find a blog I found through a friend of a friend. She�s been writing for a little more than four months and her hit counter reads 24,000+. I am astounded that she�s managed to cull such a following in such a short time. I�m also of half a mind to email her and ask how the hell she did it.

Ultimately I will tell myself it doesn�t matter who is reading or how many are reading. What matters is that I try hard not to upload drivel. I like memes and the occasional questionnaire, but mostly I just like to talk on the page. Lately (like, in the past 18 months) there hasn�t been an overabundance of positive things to say, agreed, but at least I�m still in there swinging away.

I see it�s been 20 days since I updated, and a damn site longer since I actually told you all anything of substance. So let�s see if I can bring you up to speed:

When last we talked, I had just endured a physical exam. Scary issues were discussed, and certain tests were requested. As of this date, I have not submitted to said tests. Not because they haven�t been scheduled for me but because I have neglected to schedule them for me. I don�t want to know if I have a UTI or if my bad cholesterol is continuing its forced march toward my heart and the cardiac �episode� that will finally finish me off. Possibly this is confirmation that I�m so immature as to be a threat to myself.

I had an appointment with Dr. P. about the State of my Uterus. It would seem that going back over the past nine cycles and paying close attention would result in The Big Picture of my fertility or lack thereof. He worries that I�m running out of eggs. Now seriously, of all the things I could (and have) been worrying about, running out was not one of them. So great, huh? He�s starting to talk about IVF cycles for the remaining follicles, but aside from the fact I cannot afford it we must also keep in mind that even with IVF there�s only a 30% chance of attachment of a 100+ cell follicle and they only like to transfer a maximum of three during any one cycle. At least, that�s the conversation we had with my caseworker when I converted to IVF mid-cycle last April. We�re going to treat the November cycle like a Super Duper Seekrit Experiment between the doc and me and see what transpires. Everyone keep their wishers on for more than one viable follicle, okay?

After work today, I head out for Toronto where I will partake of a lovely repast with the lovely wipeout and the lovely blau. Included in the evening will hopefully be some quick trips to MAC and H&M. (Maybe? Possibly? Pleeeeaaaaaseeee?) I�m not looking forward to braving the 401 during rush hour, but unless they find a way to move Yorkdale Mall to the Woodstock area, I�m euchred. I have this whole �Toronto drivers are all certifiable kamikaze drivers� prepared, but I�ll leave it for another time.

3WA is having a craft sale next week and in anticipation of it, I�ve been making flower bracelets. Only a few people had actually seen them until yesterday when I unveiled a picture that I had uploaded to my Flickr account. Man, was I nervous. Ordinarily if I am pleased with something I�ve done I�m more than happy to showcase it for the world to see. However, there�s something about �my art� that makes me worry that everyone won�t like it. Thing is, I am such a magpie about my beads and take such great pains to create jewellery that people will love that I set out to make jewellery that I love. Often, so much so that I cannot bring myself to sell it. That sort of defeats the purpose now, doesn�t it? It just makes me a well-accessorized bag lady in the end.

So, go to 3WA on October 31. Check out all the auctions. Place a bid or two.

And tell me you like my bracelets.

Have a great weekend!

Posted at 12:55 p.m.