
You just caught me at a bad time, really

This morning I awoke an hour later than usual and proceeded to spend the next ten minutes patiently watching the clock on the bedside table, revelling in the fact that the doggies had let me sleep. Not that an unemployed person needs the extra sleep mind you, it was just nice to not start my day at 5:30 a.m. for a change.

Once I set my left toe on the floor, transferring my considerable weight from mattress to floorboard, the dogs were up and about, tearing around the livingroom in a mad dash to be the first ones at the bedroom door to greet me, their loving Owner. Or Guardian. Or, The Person who could work the latch on the Monster Food Container on the back landing. They're not hung up on labels, see. Anyone taller than two and a half feet with opposable thumbs will do.

As I sat a few minutes later with my coffee and my Buffy on the laptop I realized we had a grand total of three pieces of bread in the house. That's just not right, so I mulled the bread recipes in my head and decided to hit the food tv website to expand my horizons. I found one for Cheese and Onion Soda Bread that I could make with what we had in the house, minus the spring onions. And man! did it turn out well. The Boy stumbled into the kitchen to the smell of freshly-baked bread. And freshly steeped tea. I may be useless in a number of areas but the least I can do is amaze and astound with my culinary skills on a regular basis.

Tomorrow is TB's Mom's 81st birthday and I'm making the cake. It was a tossup between Chocolate Gingerbread and Coconut Cake with Lemon Curd, so I let my SIL choose. She totally stunned me by picking the lighter of the two. Truth be told, I might make the gingerbread later next week, since now I have a yearnin'. So I'm making a grocery list. Which I love to do, but I am not loving the idea of leaving the house to actually procure said items. I might be developing a phobia, people.

Now I'm pissed because I cannot find my Donna Hay cookbook with the Pad Thai recipe in it and I don't know that one by heart yet. I guess the internet will have to do.

Hmmmm, peanut butter cookies or my Kitchen Sink cookies for dessert tonight? I'll decide in the store. Who the hell is going to do all those dirty dishes I'm going to make? Who am I kidding; I don't work, so I get the pleasure.

Should I make an effort to go out? Or will my wrinkled Roots sweatshirt and unwashed hair do? Ususally when I slip out like that the inevitable happens, and you know what I'm talking about. You see someone you haven't seen since highschool and your internal voice spends the entire time you're catching up with said person (probably someone you had a crush on) ripping you a new one for looking like some sort of homeless person. I'm all, "Oh, I own a business," and they're all, "Yeah right, Dumpster Divers Inc.?"

Maybe I should slap on some mascara....

Posted at 12:35 p.m.