

I am in A Mood today.

My good friend just reminded me gently through IM that it could be raging PMS but I'm wary of tacking that label onto every murderous mood I have as some sort of female default. Men do that enough as it is, I don't need to encourage the behaviour.

No, I like to think it's just some sort of blue-moon occurrance that will go away after a good eight hours of sleep and maybe some mood-altering Tempura Scallops for dinner tonight. And maybe if I believe it will be so, it will indeed be so. Hell, I have a strong will when I want so why would I not want to ditch this scary bad mood?

Possibly because sometimes out of bad moods comes good writing: Exhibit 1, Paul.

I'm going to drive home (carefully and without incident!) after work and see if this mood will net me some acceptable, maybe even funny, entries. After all, you good people deserve it.

Enjoy your weekend.

Posted at 1:28 p.m.