
Foodie Friday Five

It's Saturday morning and we've got a dinner date tonight! It's just a tiny bit pathetic that I'm so excited about seeing people who aren't The Boy or my niece. I'll take the digicam and see what I can see.

For now, I found a Friday Five on LJ and it's about food!

1. What was your favorite breakfast cereal when you were a kid?
Count Chocula, hands down. Those nasty little marshmallows and the somewhat synthetic chocolate tasting oat pieces. Add milk and presto! A sugar high that could last you well past noon.

Thinking back, I suppose it was also my favorite because I only ate it once a year while on vaction at my aunt's house. At home it was healthful comestibles such as Cream of Wheat and Special K.

2. What is the best toy/prize you ever got in a box of cereal or because of sending in UPC�s?
I can't remember the cereal responsible, but I got a long plastic tube with a mirror at the end that allowed you to look around corners! Essential for any young child or Navy Seal, non?

3. How do you take your eggs (scrambled, over easy, egg beaters)?
I enjoy hard boiled eggs at home but when we go out I always get them over easy. Sometimes over hard, but that's only when I'm on a low-carb binge and don't order toast.

4. What is your favorite breakfast meat (bacon, ham, sausage)?
Sausage! Not those little breakfast sausages but big ol' farmer's sausage with that special combination of spices that don't give me indigestion or cause me to remember them at intervals for the rest of the day. (My second choice is bacon, but only if it's so crispy most other people won't even touch it).

5. What is your favorite spot (local or chain restaurant) for breakfast and where is it located?
Our absolute favorite place for breakfast is the Grandview Inn in Huntsville, Ontario. Their Sunday brunch is award-winning. Still, sometimes it's just not possible to spend seven hours driving there (that means leaving our house around 4:00 a.m.), eating until we're full and look like Weebles, then turning around and driving another seven hours home. So, next on the list is:
Elmhurst Inn, Ingersoll Ontario
Another noteworthy Sunday brunch. It's about 40 minutes away and way too expensive to enjoy every week. They have a waffle bar and their seafood salads contain real seafood, not just low-brow 'fish blends'.
We generally stick to the brunch at The Little Beaver Restaurant in Komoka, Ontario. It's a half-hour drive and The Boy can stuff himself to the gills with back bacon and no one bats an eye. For me, they have rye toast and a lovely dessert table complete with trifle, some variety of flan and cake with sugary icing. Plus, it's four minutes up the road to Mom and Dad's, so we occasionally drop in there for a wee visit and some quiet time in the gazebo. Ahhh, country living; I can't wait until we move.

Posted at 9:09 a.m.