
The Early Bird
So, I've been up since 4:30.

This is getting to be a habit. What I'm having trouble with is deciding whether it's a good thing or not. I've always been a cyclical person; when I was very young, I was always up with the chickens. My teenaged years (and my early twenties, truth be told) involved my harbouring an intense hatred for the alarm clock. I was one of the world's 50 most difficult people to roust in the morning. I missed the school bus more often than I caught it, was a massive grouch until 10ish every day and it was during this time that I began my love affair with le caffeine, a vice I enjoy to this day in more copious amounts than I suspect is healthy.

My early thirties saw me in a succession of jobs that bit, big time. A lovely mix of borderline depression and a vicious aversion to going into the office each and every morning resulted in more of a need to hide beneath my beautiful duvet than a real neep for sleep. I guess my security blanket was too big to lug into work, so I just clung to it until the absolute last minute each morning. Once I saw the error of my ways, I made like a baby and headed out to the local Blockbuster to check out yoga tapes, or some such (I thought at the time) nonsense. It was then I found a.m./p.m. Chi from the LivingArts people. I love the a.m. one. I find it very centering, although I have trouble saying that without sounding all granola. I've also gotten into Winsor Pilates, which is easier to do than I could ever have hoped, but with the added benefit of actually working. Both tapes get the blood flowing without causing the sweat to lash from my body, so definitely two thumbs up there. I'm such a girl that way, sheesh.

Man, I cannot seem to write an entry that doesn't sprint off here and there. So, Bailey and I went outside at 5:00 this morning to plant cherry tomatoes. I'm very late getting to this chore, as was underlined by the fact that I saw a teeny, tiny cherry tomato on the vine as I was transplanting them. I hope they weren't stunted by sitting in those pots for so long. This year, Mom was only able to pick up Sweet Vermillion cherry tomatoes for me from the lovely nursery by her place. Usually I plant Tiny Tims, so we shall see.

I have also decided that 5:00 a.m. on a June morning is my absolute favorite time. The day is fresh, full of promise and devoid of other people. I can sit quietly, sorting out my thoughts and planning the events of the coming day. Add a comfy chair and a coffee and I'm a happy camper indeed. All those years of sleeping in; I cannot bring myself to add up how many of these lovely mornings I missed. It doesn't bear thinking about.

Tomorrow morning: Weeding the wegelia!

Posted at 7:24 a.m.