
Not a power struggle so much as a small skirmish
Oh my, my hormones are all yucky and weepy today. Usually, I give in and crawl under the duvet or snipe at unsuspecting colleages all day, but not today. Today I will fight back. Much like Buffy plans to do against The First, as we heard in her moving speech at the end of the last episode. Yes, sirree, I'm not going to sit back and take this crap, not again.

First on my list is completing the shopping for my sister. It's one of the things I'm doing this year as a good deed, and I feel good knowing I'm giving her more time to just go home and rest at the end of a stressful day. Second, I'm going to see Two Week's Notice. Yes, I'm a Sandra Bullock fan and a Hugh Grant fan, so whatever pappy goodness they've cooked up will help, I'm certain. Happily, Stef gave me a wonderful idea in chat this morning: adding just a smattering of M&Ms to my hot popcorn! I'm wondering if this is an American invention, since the closest I can come to that concoction would be Poppycock, but that's toffee and popcorn. Still, chocolate pairs up well with many, many things in life and I'm game for trying this match.

Honestly, I must say that this is the first year I can ever remember where I was more excited about the New Year starting than the holiday season. I'm actually waiting for it to be over so I can start this internship. That's saying a lot, since I'm an official Holiday Junkie. I like getting together, mingling, sipping interesting punches and drinks I wouldn't normally sip, bringing together large groups of people for rousing holiday games, roaring fires, baking, twinkling lights, using my beautiful holiday mugs with inspirational words on them, cider, sparkly clothes, my Christmas sweater with the bells on it, etc., etc., etc. This year: nothing. Well, I still enjoy the getting together with people, but I'm feeling a bit like a fraud with a smile pasted on my face. I didn't even take over the microphone and sing some quasi-karaoke at Patti's famous Christmas party this year. Something is definitely wrong.

It doesn't know if it wants to rain or snow outside, and I'm sure that's going to make for lovely roads. There isn't a day that goes by in the winter that I don't give silent thanks for getting the Jeep. I hatehatehate getting stuck places and having to call The Boy or the CAA for help. Something to do with my thirst for power, no doubt. At the very least, the power to get myself out of sticky situations as well as into them. Sadly, I forsee a Massive Sticky Situation coming in the New Year, but I'm not calling in the Army to get me out of it just yet. Stay tuned.

Posted at 11:26 a.m.