
Try To Do Lists

Sickness and migraines have always been the uninvited guests in my life. Yes, I realize everyone has to deal with at least the sickness part at some point. However, these two lovelies sit in wait until I've pushed procrastination to the edge of the envelope, at which point they strike without conscience. A while back, I became hooked on this show, and longed to possess the free-wheeling spirit of a sailor. Or, at the very least, the fearlessness they showed by giving up their 'real' lives for 19 months to circumnavigate the globe in a tall ship. I'm weak and I'm spoiled and almost certain I would be felled by some parasite or virus or seasickness or migraines and find myself waving the ship off at the second port of call after Lunenburg. It's not that I'm afraid of trying, I'm just being a realist. My stupid head is always conspiring against me.

That brings us to today. I have to mail a crapload of cards, have a skirt hemmed, do some Christmas shopping for my ailing sister, bake six dozen shortbreads and deliver them to my previous place of employment, buy my Mom and niece dated ornaments, find a local copy of the first season of Friends on dvd and fit in a hair appointment, all before my third holiday function of 2002 occurs in 32 hours. Gah! I would have have a lot more done, except for the loss of Tuesday and most of yesterday to The Sickness. Granted, there has been a lot of kerfuffle about the Norwalk Virus around these parts, and it's possible I had a touch of that, but still! The government should take steps to ensure no one falls ill during the month of December. Is that too much to ask?

Oh! I need another memory card for my digicam....one more thing to hunt for at the dreaded mall. I'm scaring myself now, maybe I should just stop thinking about it. Yes, that's it, whatever gets done gets done and the rest can go pound salt. Very healthy thinking, non? Except I think that during the day, then spend the nights tossing and turning, not able to shut off my mind and being forced to watch the To Do list loop endlessly in front of my tightly squinched eyes. Little wonder I get migraines, huh?

Okay, I'm off to make shortbreads. At least they're easy. I'm not attempting anything Martha-esque this year. I have, however, begun crocheting snowflakes in anticipation of next year's joyous holiday season. Shall I start a 2003 To Do list? No, I think not.

Posted at 10:03 a.m.