
A Brief Explanation
I've been involved with three major groups, or communities, of internet users since I ventured online around 1995. During that time, I was always counseled not to tell my personal Tales of Woe to others in chat, and especially not to turn my online journal into a Wailing Wall. I believe the newest term that the 'in' kids are using these days is Train Wreck journal.

So, this credo that has been ingrained into my psyche is largely the reason I haven't been writing lately. But look! See me! I'm here! I haven't offed myself in a desperate attempt to quiet the insane voices in my head! I'm really tired and don't seem to have a plan of attack for the rest of my life as I type this, but I'm still here. Many thanks to those of you out there who cared enough to write and ask for new and exciting entries; they'll come, I'm fairly certain. It's just that now the only things popping sporadically in and out of my mind are alternately maudlin, nutsy, boring and repetitive. In the end, I'd rather go a month without updating than publish crap. Sorry.

Thus endeth my State of the Union address. Anybody out there calling me a moron yet?

Posted at 5:52 p.m.