
Auntie Fatigued
After last weekend, I now have a great appreciation for The Individual who took a long look at the big picture and decided that children should not spring from their mother's womb a fully-formed, energetic, fast-talking, smarty-pants four year old.

I had my niece for all of 18 hours, and I was ready to call in reinforcements.

Now, I'm not saying it was all bad: in fact, it was 99% good. She's just a little tornado, that's all. Questions, questions, questions. Constantly wanting me to go to her, asking her to put that down, saving the dog from her incessant hugs, kisses and pokes, cringing when she jumped on Uncle T's lap (read: sensitive parts) a little too enthusiastically.

How the hell am I ever going to manage being a mother? Not that that's a burning question these days, mind. We're working on it, okay?


Posted at 12:48 p.m.