
Bio, Schmio
Yesterday I was, as usual, hanging out at my favorite bulletin board, and I read a line from an entry that really stuck with me. The jist of it was that people really don't want to read a journal when there isn't an accompanying Bio page.

News flash: I don't know how to make one.

Sure, I suppose I could ask around my circle of learned friends for a quick answer. I could View the Source of a couple of journals I read frequently and do the cut/paste thing. But I don't want to do it that way. I made my 2001 resolution to learn HTML, and by hell, I will learn how to do things properly.

Meantime, here's another thing I five-finger discounted from 3WA: 10 Things About Me. Enjoy.

Ten Things About Me

1. I will go to the ends of the earth for family and friends, many times to my detriment.

2. Pink is a bad colour on me.

3. My sense of humour is usually filed under "warped".

4. I have a weakness for sappy movies, shoes and kitchen implements.

5. Hypocrites piss me off.

6. Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.

7. I am not political or cliquey.

8. In my heart I feel I was destined for more than I am presently doing.

9. Music weaves it's way through most of my waking hours.

10. I have many miles to go before I sleep.

Posted at 8:23 a.m.