
Hedonism Rocks
Hey, what do you know, I didn't die.

I've managed to crawl out of the cocoon I am required to spin around myself twice a year. (see: Mass Releasing)

In keeping with my informal resolution to not whine so damn much this year, I won't bore you with the ugly details of dealing with 60-or-so mostly ignorant, ungrateful kids per day.
You have an imagination: go wild.

The stress managed to manifest itself as another migraine on Thursday. So, I stayed home. No big deal, right? Not even worth mentioning. Well, my friend, you could not be more wrong. In my office, you simply are not allowed to be ill during Mass Release. Migraines must be the exception, since I was unable to be in a lit room for almost 36 hours, which would severly limit constructive work in front of a computer. Even one with My Yahoo! and chat and a friend's Baby Cam up inaddition to my work stuff.

The Boy laid down the law, telling me that not only was I staying home from work, he would also be staying home to look after me. Awwwww. We had a pyjama day.
We usually have them once or twice a year, but this time wasn't much fun, since my head was throbbing the whole day. Such a waste. I couldn't read or log on the computer or even watch telly. I listened though, amidst bouts of fitful sleep. Yes, this is my life.

So, here we are at Saturday. I am being very nice to myself today:

Slept in.

Had a Super-sized McDonald's breakfast.

Didn't exercise.

Bought a metric/imperial/wet/dry scale I've had my eye on at the local restaurant supply wholesaler. Spent: $77.82

Hit the newest Loblaws (grocery) store at the other end of town and ended up browsing for over two hours! Spent: $155.76, but that included a cookbook on pasta from Williams-Sonoma and a very expensive bottle of Roasted Garlic Olive Oil.

Came home and didn't even unpack the groceries, but went straight to the computer to see who was in chat. Found many friends. As a matter of fact, I'm still sitting here like a lazy git.

Okay, the rest of the day shall play out as follows:

Make dinner. Linguine with crab sauce. Garlic bread. Wine.

Make dessert. Hazelnut cake. Movenpick coffee.

Later: a good flick and possibly some chips with dip.

Trust me, with the week I've had, and the week that's coming up, I deserve it.
Hey, maybe The Boy will even do the dishes for me?

Posted at 3:21 p.m.