
...my True Colours, shining through
I've come to a couple of realizations over the past week. One, I'm not clever enough to create entries that challenge the mind or are artsy. Two, I don't want to fall into the trap of simply repeating the ins and outs of my day like some boring old grocery list. God knows, I'm winning awards over here for The Zen of Boring. I want to talk about vaguely interesting thoughts that cross my mind, or incidents in my life that are somehow ironic or filled with import. I want people to bookmark me.

I just read that last sentence. What a hypocrite!When I started this journal, it was for m-e, and I truly didn't care to be broadcast about for all and sundry to read. Even now, I get this creepy, itchy feeling when I look at my stats and see that people are popping in for a look. I don't consider this journal writing. It's therapy. Considering I went to college for the first three years for Print Journalism, you would expect shining examples of writing, yes? Sorry to disappoint.

How to Write and Publish Children's Books is open on the table in my Tea Room. It's interesting, but I fear I will need to speak with a real person about it if I mean to go on with one of my New Year's Resolutions.

More tomorrow about the answering machine message I got yesterday. Opportunity knocking? Maybe so; maybe no.

Posted at 2:42 p.m.