
Vague Blatherings
My internal compass is off. I can't make myself go back to normal, can't close my eyes without seeing CNN, can't think about my friends in NY or the magnitude of the situation without feeling sick.

Seeing the video of the plane making a direct hit into the WTC Tower over and over and over....and over, is like repeating a word until it no longer makes sense. I hope I'm still numb, because I never want to forget this feeling. Many have tried to describe it, and it's almost impossible. The closest I can come is that it is an odd mix of adrenaline, fear, anger, violation, confusion and vulnerability.

Note: I live in Canada. A good ten-hour drive from NYC or PA. I can't bear to imagine how Americans feel.

Mayor Rudy rocks. He looks worn and haggard, as though he's trying to take the burden of grief from each and every person who has been devastated by this horrible event. I want him to be the President.

(Watch this space, something gripping this way comes. I suspect. The odds are good. I just need some sleep and a chance to regroup).

Posted at 2:00 p.m.