
This Gown Has No Back! - (In Preparation)

Note to self: Cease and desist listening to sappy music.

Getting ready for work this morning, I popped in the newest of my dvd arsenal, Fleetwood Mac - The Dance. Stevie Nicks sings two songs that are obviously and intensely directed at Lindsey Buckingham; the way those two sing at each other gives me major gooseflesh. Every time.

Music has a way of getting under my skin. It can make the tears flow or give me Jimmy Legs. It can make my heart or my mouth sing. It's very important to me. It has a way of seeping into almost every aspect of my life, right down to the Sleep Machine I listen to as I drift off each night. I truly don't understand people who would rather listen to the sounds of silence.

One aspect of my love of music concerns me. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's the Piscean in me, but I seem to thrive on weepy songs when I'm in a sad or melancholy mood. It's as though I WANT to be even more upset and weepy. Why would any sane person want their heart to ache? It's utterly stupid. I'll have to take some time to think about that. There must be a reason hiding somewhere in the depths of the emotional ball of string that is me. I'll just have to do some unraveling.

You wouldn't believe the knots in my shoulders and neck today. Brutal. My hangover doesn't help things, but it was so worth it. I went to the pub last night and saw many of my people, who I haven't seen in almost two months, I think. They missed me. Cat was visiting from the States with her new beau, and we celebrated her 24th birthday with Blowjobs and Orgasms. Shooters, people. Sheesh......

It's so nice to be missed, but even better to be welcomed back. Hugs and kisses all around. My friends are a mushy bunch, and I love it.

Things at work seem like they will not be falling apart without me. *sigh* Stephen (of May 30 entry fame - did you like the poem? Not knowing HTML, I couldn't re-create the stanzas. Mybad), once told me, "no one is indispensible". Regardless, I still strive to be the glue that holds an office together. I suspect the older I get, the lower that goal will sit on my list of priorities. Which is probably not a bad thing.

I'm off to eat my Kit Kat Chunky, while I still can.

See you on the flip side of surgery. Keep a good thought for me.

Posted at 11:50 a.m.