
Out of a Rut
I have a job interview today.

I'm a bundle of nerves.

You would think that I would be able to handle these better, what with me being a temp worker for the last seven years. The thing is, I hooked up with a temp agency, and a friend of mine is my caseworker. She tested me and interviewed me and phoned me with placements. Basically, she coddled me through the hard bits. She knew me, and could represent me well to perspective employers.

But this. This I did all on my own. Look Ma, no hands.

After getting over the initial case of giggles that someone actually read my resume, appreciated my experiences and wanted to see me, I then proceeded to sink into the pit of self-doubt in which you now find me. Add to that the fact I've gained so much weight that all my possible "interview suit" candidates don't fit, and you can probably assume the mood I'm currently in.

12:37 p.m.

Well, I'm off to get ready. Wish me luck.

4:10 p.m.

An hour and 20 mintues! That was one of my longer interviews. Panel for the first hour, the remainder with the General Manager, down to this office from Scarborough. He was a nice fellow. The pay will be less, but at least they can offer me a year and a half contract for certain. And I'll be doing HR stuff again. It makes five years of night school seem like it was worth it.

I'll have to wait for them to contact me with an offer, if I'm the chosen candidate, but for now, it's enough to know that someone thought I was worth a call.

Posted at 10:59 a.m.