
Into the Breach...
I have spent what I think is far too much time worrying about what this site is going to look like. Welcome to my world. I worry about everything, and nothing winds up getting done. So, here I go, jumping in willy-nilly. Hope the water's warm.

My Windows Media Player is set on Random, spinning a fairly adequate Napster collection of tunes. There is a homemade peanut butter cup on the edge of the computer desk, and my gym bag sits next to the front door, unused. So, what's wrong with this picture?

My little dog, Bailey, has blown a stitch. She had surgery a week ago Thursday to remove a lump on one of her mammary glands. The second $300 surgery in three months. They have both turned out to be fatty tissue deposits, totally benign. The first one was under her doggie armpit and she couldn't get at it no matter how hard she tried to fold herself into a pretzel, so the healing process was a fast one. This one was right on her belly, and she does a fairly good job of looking like Buddha while she licks and licks and licks until someone stops her. It is for this reason that she's still wearing a cone more than a week later. I suppose it's back to the vet tomorrow morning, since I can see _into_ her incision. It's not bleeding, but I'm thinking that an open wound like that is an invitation for infection. And, it's gross.

I'm going out tonight. Karaoke. Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. I'm not listening........

Posted at 3:54 p.m.