
Oh, joy

Oh, joy.

Just when I was in such a positive frame of mind yesterday, the Bad News Faery visited me in the form of my HR Manager. She dropped the bomb at 4:28 last night that they will not be renewing my contract and my last day will be Friday.

I�m of two minds about the whole thing: on one hand, the environment was a pleasant one (with the exception of one boor I won�t comment on) and the work was plentiful if not challenging. It�s the �if not challenging� part that was starting to bug me even after only three months on the job. Plus, my favorite colleague retired December 16, leaving an empty desk. I applied for her position but since it�s a university and therefore a union, I don�t hold out much hope.

What I�m trying to do is look ahead to what I might be doing in, say, a week or so. A new position, new people, new (and hopefully interesting) work awaits me and there is excitement bubbling at the back of my mind. And if I can land something at a place where I don�t have to shell out for parking, yee-HAW!

The flood of creativity in my mind that has been channeling its way through may hands in the form of pet treats and jewellery since the beginning of November has sincerely gotten me riled up and ready to be of service to another company. Looking back, it wasn�t far into the five years I was at the college before I began yearning for real work. But you know how it is, the money keeps rolling in each week and it gets more and more difficult to tear yourself away from that lifestyle. Now, I�m raring to go and have to say I love that about myself right now. Hey, look! Positivity! Go me!

Also under the category of Bittersweet, the faculty who are finding out about my leaving are being so damned nice, I want to cry. They�re sending emails to the HR Manager, telling her what a joy I�ve been and how they really wish I could win the vacated position so I could be assigned to them. What I need is for each and every one of them to write me a letter of reference.

I could wind up being PM with so much genuine good feeling backing me up.

Posted at 12:50 p.m.